Monday, March 29, 2010

Mental Image Tasks

Mental Image Tasks (MITs) are used by successful people all around the world every day. You can use them to supercharge your productivity in anything. With MITs you can improve anything you want about yourself. Want better grades, body, friends, life, or world? Then learn how to use MITs. Here is a great example of how to use a mental image task to improve a grade. If you want to ace a test then picture yourself receiving an A+ on it. What this does is tell your subconscious supercomputer to pull out all the stops it can to get you an A+ on your test. Arnold Schwarzenegger used to talk about how he pictured himself being famous and the best bodybuilder ever. Look at him now, he is known across the world and also won the title Mr. Olympia time after time! Your imagination is so powerful that Albert Einstein said "Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions." He understood the power of the imagination, do you?

I have been testing MITs on just about anything and everything possible. Last week I was running about 20 minutes late for work and I had to eat, shower, groom, etc. I pictured myself pulling in to the parking lot right on time. After making this mental image task, I ate, showered, groomed, and somehow arrived at work early! I was utterly shocked. Something that I noticed right after creating that MIT was that everything I was doing was very smooth and consciously effortless. If, instead, I did not use that MIT and thought about how I was going to be so late to work then I would have probably been clumsy, slow, and late.

Another personal example is from a drawing I finished the other day. I was looking through some old National Geographic magazines and found a cool picture that I wanted to draw. I turned each detail on the magazine into a MIT so I basically imagined each detail already being drawn out on my paper perfectly and then drew it. The picture turned out great and my friends complimented me on it a lot! Here it is so you can see what I'm talking about:

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